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Fashion Crush Part 2.

Started by fuel1563, April 26, 2006, 04:38:59 PM

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It had been three years since that fateful night when Sammy (who never let anyone call him Sammy anymore) got the squashing of a lifetime from his two massive Aunts. After that night, due to circumstances out of his control, Sam never again got the lucky/unlucky chance to be struck powerless under his sexy Aunts.

Sam and his parents moved away from his Aunts, from the comfort of the city life out into the country. It was a major adjustment for Sam, but the thing that hurt the most about leaving the city behind were those two beautiful mountains of woman he loved so much. But time passed, and with the years Sam grew fond of the new place he called home. As he grew into a proper man, his parents began to give him much more responsibility for himself. Within time, due to their hectic work schedule, Sam was being left on his own at the house for weeks at a time. Which, like any freshly matured young man, he liked just fine.

One summer, the year of his 18th birthday, Sam's parents sat him down and told him that they'd be off to the city for a good month. It was the busy season for conferences, and due to their high position in the company, they would have to make plenty of appearances. Sam understood, and told his parent's he was more than ready to hold the fort down. In truth, it was about the greatest gift he could imagine. Full range over the house for a complete month. Sam was ecstatic.

In a weeks time, Sam's parents were off on their way, and just like that Sam was set. Freedom. He enjoyed himself, but didn't go overboard. He didn't want to make too much of a disaster to have to scramble to clean before the 'rents got back. It was a few days into the first week when Sam got the one phone call he never expected.


"Hi! Is this little Sammy?"

"Uh..yea. Whose this?"

"Oh. My. God. How grown up you sound. Now tell me you remember me."

"Um...no? Who's this?"

"Oh Sammy, you're gonna pay for that one. It's Me, your Aunt Jessica!"

Sam's mind flooded with all the memories of his beautiful aunt. Her 400+ pound body, her gorgeous smile, he never-ending butt, every amazing feature a girl could have. He never thought he'd get to talk to her again, and now here she was...

"...ammy? You still there, kiddo? (Lower and away from the phone) I think the boy must have fainted or something. Either that or you silly cell phone is dying out on us again."

"No, no I'm here Jessica. Sorry I just...um,"

"Yea, I got a feeling where you went. How's that song go? MEMORIES...hahaha. Anyways, guess who I'm sitting next to."

Without a second thought, Sam said, "Dawn."

"Bingo, kiddo. And thatââ,¬â,,¢s not all, either. But we'll get to that later. SO is your Moms around?"

"No, her and Dad left for the city for the month. It's just me here."

"Wow. Ain't that something. We're just out of the city, and since we're gonna be driving out right past you guys place, we thought we'd stop in and say hello. But I guess since the folks aren't there, you probably could do without having to put up with some annoying fat girls, right?"

"No! I mean...yea no. You guys should still stop by, and see the new place. I'm sure you're tried of the road too and all."

"Why am I not surprised to hear that, Sammy? Hehehe. Ok, I've got to go now, before this cell craps out again. We should be there soon, we're close as it is. See ya then."

And before Sam could say "bye," she was gone. Sam was stunned. it was at this point that he began to pinch his arms, sure that he must have been dreaming. But a few painful moments later he realized he was indeed awake. Awake, and happier than he'd been in years. Three years ot be exact. His mind scrambled. "Shit, get ready," he thought. But just as he was midway up the stairs, he heard the doorbell ring. Damn, Jessica wasn't kidding about them being close! He knew he couldn't keep them waiting, so he just passed on trying to fix his hair, and ran right to the front door. He opened the door, and tried to throw on his "I'm cool" face. Once look at what was on the other site of that door, and his "look" melted right away.

Jessica was standing closest to him, her beaming smile going at 1000 watts. Her blond hair was now cut short, into an almost boyish length, that only helped show off more of her beautiful face. To fend off the heat, she was wearing a white tank-top and jean shorts that cut off a good foot before her knees. Her entire outfit looked spread on. The tank top did almost nothing to conceal her belly which looked almost double in size compared to the last time Sam saw her. You can only imagine how little it did to hide her breasts as well. Sam felt as if time had stopped, looking upon her beauty, where as in fact it kept on moving along. In fact, it wasn't until Jess said, "Well, are you gonna invite us in, or are you gonna just stare at us all day," that Sam snapped out of his trance.

"Oh! I'm sorry...yea come on in." Sam said.

As Jessica walked past Sam into the house, he got to see just how big she'd gotten upclose. From the side he could see that her jean shorts were slightly torn around the waist, obviously due to the strain of trying to hold back Jessica's humongous frame. 'She must be 500 pounds now," he thought with much excitement.

"Look at you, Sammy. All grown up no, huh? Ha!" It was Dawn. He's oldest aunt. She was following right behind Jessica, which helped to explain why Sam didn't see her at the door. Dawn always had, and still was smaller than her younger sister, even more so now with Jessica's apparent weight gain. Though that didn't mean Dawn was any sloch at all when it came to the fat game. Looking about the same size she was three years ago, 350 pounds if an ounce, with what could only be called "knockout" breasts squeezed into a small baby blue summer t-shirt and summer shorts.

"How've you been, kiddo?" Dawn asked as she leaned down to give Sam a peck on the cheek.

"Hi, Dawn." Sam was in a daze. It was all too much fat and sexiness for one skinny 18 year old. He was about to shut the door, when he heard, "Hey!"

Quickly he opened the door back up to reveal the third beauty who he'd never seen before. Being too mesmerized by the sway of Jessica and Dawn's hips as they walked into the house he hadn't even bothers to look back.

"You almost caught me there. Hehe," said the third girl as she stepped into the house.

"Oh yea, how could we have forgotten. Sammy meet Angela," said Dawn.

"Heya Sammy. I've heard lost about you." Angela said with a wink.

"Hi." It was the most Sam could get out. Damn was huge. Jessica was even bigger. But Angela outshined them all. A good bit taller than Sam's 5'11 frame, he put her for 6'4 at the least. Wearing a pair of womenââ,¬â,,¢s overalls without the full pant-legs, her thighs we out on display. And what a show they put on. Each of them being wider than his chest with ease, Sam was in love. Times three.

The girls walked into the den and started to place their bags down. Sam followed them, and sat down in his fathers favorite chair, brown-leather and overstuffed for comfort. He needed to sit before he felt down from visual exhaustion.

"Boy, whatââ,¬â,,¢s wrong with you, you look like you just ran a marathon," Angela said, which got the girls giggling.

"I'm just...shocked is all. I mean..." Sam was cut off by Jessica who said, "It's not everyday a few fat girls walk through your door?"

Again, this got the girls laughing and giggling. Sam was just too happy to form a response.

"I guess you're wondering why we left the city to come out here, right?" Dawn asked.

"Yeah, why?" Sam responded.

"Well, Dawn finally smarted up and left your prick of an uncle Adam. Me and your mother have been telling her to make the separation legal for years, and she finally did it yesterday." Jessica explained.

"Wow, I had no idea you and him were having problems," said Sam.

"Yea, it wasn't going well for years, hun. That's why I moved in with Jessica a few years back. Adam and me were going to try to make it work after a little separation, but it just didn't work. So finally I decided it was time to call it quits. So to celebrate, Jessica and I and our good friend Angela who you just drooled over...I mean met-more giggles-decided on one of those long drives into the country."

"Well, good you you guys, I guess. But doesn't this mean we aren't related anymore?" Sam asked.

"No, I guess not. So does that mean you don't want us staying the night?" Jessica asked coyly.

"No! Wait...yes. No, I mean..."

"Relax kiddo, she was just playing with you," Dawn said.

"Oh, ok."

"This is a great place, you guys have here." Angela said. "Mind if I check out the whole place?"

"Not at all, I can give you the tou..." Sam was cut off by Jessica who said, 'I'm sure Dawn and Angela can find their way around the place. Why don't you just keep me company while I rest a bit on your comfy couch here?"

"You're right. I'm sure you guys can find your way around here," Sam said to Angela and Dawn.

"How'd I know you'd agree with Jessica?" Dawn said with an evil grin. "Ok, where should we start, Angela?"

"Where else, girl? The kitchen."

And off the two of them walked towards the kitchen giggling back and forth. Sam just watched each of their unbelievable wide hips sway back and forth, so absorbed by it he forgot all about Jessica sitting on the couch right in front of him. Finally he realized that Jessica was right there, and had been watching him stare the whole time...

"Oh...I'm sorry. I didn't mean anything by i..."

"Hey, calm down, little guy. We all know you love us fat girls. The way you look is cute too. Why donââ,¬â,,¢t' you come over here so we can...catch up?"

"Ok." Sam stood up and walked over to the couch Jessica was sitting on. It wasn't a small couch by any means, but Jessica easily took up most of it with her girth. With her left thigh touching the arm of the couch, her other thigh came out all the way to the third cushion on the right side. Sam was a skinny guy, weighing in at only 140lbs on a 5'11 frame. Had he been any bigger though, he would have felt Jessica's hardly covered thighs pressing into him as he sat down.

"How big have you gotten?" Sam blurted out before he could stop himself. "Oh god, I'm sorry. I didn't mean for it to come out like that."

"It's ok. I can understand what you may be thinking. Iââ,¬â,,¢ve gotten much heavier since you last saw me. I don't know exactly how much I weigh, but last I checked it was 532lbs. But then again, I've eaten a lot since then," Jessica said with a smile.

Wow! Sam though. That was almost 150lbs more than how much she weighed when she sat on him those three years ago. He couldn't imagine how it must feel to be under her now, and little did he know he wouldn't have to imagine for long.

"Yep, I don't know how Dawn hasn't gained any weight. She eats almost as much as I do. Well...almost." Again, another sexy giggle escaped her lips. Now Jessica's eyes lit up a bit more seriously, and she said, "So tell me Sammy. Do you think you could take me sitting on you now?"

Sam couldn't answer, he couldn't even keep eye contact. His eyes dropped right away to her body, her belly popping out considerably from under that tank top, covering up the front of her jean shorts, giving it the look of her sitting here without any shorts on at all. Then, Jessica leaned to her left, lifting her incredible right thigh up off the cushion, and with her right arm she pulled Sam closer to her until most of his left side was under the shadow of her girth. Sam said nothing, just sat and awaited the rush of having such an awesome weight upon his much smaller frame. And with that, Jessica began to lower herself back down, till all of her right side was on on Sam. The pressure was astounding. Sam felt all of the air get compressed right out of him, and he was certain that his left side would be forever more flat than his right, after being squashed under Jessica's thigh. Jessica turned her head so that her face was close to Sam and said, "So little guy, how are you holding up?"

"I'm...I'm...ok. Wow you're so..."

"Heavy? Fat? Huge? All of the above?" Jessica was enjoying this. As much as Sam if not more. "If you think this is heavy, you have no idea what you're in for little guy. And just thing, we've got weeks and weeks. Weeks of you getting squashed under three very big girls."

Part three coming up soon.

Very soon. I promise.
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.

Fuel - you are such a tease!Ã,  lol

Thanks for updating this story.Ã,  Looks like its got a chance to become a whole series (hint, hint!)

;DÃ,  ;DÃ,  ;D
