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Started by fuel1563, November 29, 2004, 10:50:40 PM

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Hellen had an endless passion for food, and the appetite to match it...

Author: spcbrown

Posted: 26 Sep 2003 07:53 ever since she had been a young girl she had been given the opportunity to endulge in any food she wanted, and she especially endulged in sweets. She most always had a candy bar in hand, or some sweet delicacy within a moments reach. At just five years of age she was already 150 pounds. She took a certain delight in the appearence of her growing soft belly and how it would jiggle as she moved. She too had a concept of weight by this time and weighed herself several times a day on her bathroom scale. She saw that it went up to 300 pounds.
*Some day I'm going to weigh that much...no...I'll weigh a lot more...and I can use this scale just to weigh my belly!* she thought to herself excited with the idea.
True to her wishes, days, months, years went by and her weight increased constantly. By the time she was ten years old she weighed enough to max the scale out, just a little over 300 pounds. Her belly by then was expansive, enormous in itself, and as soft and beautiful as she had imagined it would be. She was able to lift it with her hands and set it onto the scale and see it spread across the surface.*Wow...my belly weighs between 45 to 50 pounds...thats more than my little brother!* she told herself, giggling with joy.*some day my belly will weigh 300 pounds itself.* she thought. She began to eat with more enthusiasm than ever, and with double the drive and ambition she had previously. She didn't slow with her consumption of food when she started to feel full now. She didn't stop eating at all. When she felt she couldn't eat another bit, she continued to just nibble away at whatever she was eating at the time, keeping her stomached stuffed almost 24 hours a day. The only time she stopped eating was when she went to sleep, and still she awoke every so often and ate some till she felt stuffed again and then went back to sleep. By the time she was 15 years old she weighed just over 450 pounds following this prceedure of food intake. It was this time in her life that she ran into real discrimination about being fat. Many of her peers in school ridiculed her on a daily basis. This didn't really bother her as much as they were intending it to. She knew she was fat. She made the choice to be fat. She loved being fat. She loved getting fatter. All the guys and girls calling her names, such as "lard ass", "fat bitch", "porker" and so on had no idea they were only re enforcing her desire. She actually took some enjoyment at the ridiculling words those individuals thought were so humiliating to her. But still she decided to show them that she would not just be a welcome mat, to be walked on and abused without any consideration.
...more to follow...
Author: spcbrown

Posted: 26 Sep 2003 10:33 At least not without her permission. She decided that one certain girl would be made an example of. This girls name was Jessica. She was on the cheerleading squad, and a very popular girl in school. She was the girlfriend of the class president, quarterback, and captain of the football team, Jason. He too was a possible target for retaliation, but for the moment Jessica would be priority. This was in the early mid 80's, and she was the typical dream girl to all the guys, anarexic was in. So one day she found herself in the girls locker room alone with Hellen. Both girls had just gotten out of the shower, and Jessica was in a hurry to get dressed and leave. Seeing Hellen's naked body, with cellulite and fatrolls all over it disgusted her.
"Can't you go on a diet or something? You look gross." she said to Hellen point blank. She said it as though she expected Hellen to appologize for being fat. Then she sensed something about her that made her uneasy. She saw that Hellen wasn't just ignoring her as she usually did. She saw Hellen walk towards her starring right at her, looking right through her, and there was a cold glare in her eyes, defyant.
"Well excuse me Jessica...am I too fat for you? Let's see shall we?" she responded, already having her plan in mind.
Hellen rushed the last three feet between them and saw Jessica with a shocked look on her face, as she collided with her. Jessica was thrust backward and slammed into the lockers behind her, and saw Hellen continue her charge until her blbbery belly pressed against her. She was emmediately compressed as the rest of Hellen's body followed delivering all her weight with it into the lockers, crushing her petite body between hard metal, and soft blubber. Hellen bounced back a couple of steps, but took Jessicas body before she completely collapsed, holding her up under her arms, almost hugging her. She then placed Jessicas body down on the bench, and her head slammed down when she let go of her. Hellen quickly made her next move before Jessica could do anything to help herself. Hellen straddled the bench and Jessicas body.
"So Jessica...you think I'm too fat?" she asked sarcasticly, as she just let her own body, still completely nude, drop down, and all her weight fell onto Jessicas tiny frame. The belly of Hellens that she loved so much came to settle on jessicas head, smothering her face in the deep softness of it, while her huge buttox and thighs squeezed heavily on Jessicas torso, with Hellen sitting on her chest and stomache. Her 450 pounds were easilly putting the hurt to Jessicas little 100 pound body. Jessica squealed in pain, grunted, and gasped for air, all of which were muffled under Hellen's belly spread over her face.
...more to follow...
Author: spcbrown

Posted: 26 Sep 2003 16:44 She sat there for a moment on poor little Jessica, taking in the feeling of how her skinny little bones felt pressed into her buttox and thighs. Jessica weezed and coughed below her though not very well. Just then she remembered something. She had some goodies in her bag, but she couldn't reach it as she sat there on the tiny cheerleader. She decided she definately wanted something sweet to eat. So the next thing Hellen did was to make sure Jessica was incapassitated. To acheive that, she raised herself up as far as she could, and then let herself fall back down again, landing with a fantastic crushing blow onto Jessicas narrow chest and stomache again.
"Do you still think I'm too fat Jessica?...Lucky for you you have like no tits for me to squash." Hellen announced with a bit of sarcasm, but it was true. Jessica had very small breasts. Naturally Jessica could not begin to answer her verbally.
Hellen repeated the manuver of rising and falling on her again. She thought she could feel her tiny ribcage flatten out beneith her. She certainly felt Jessicas heart pounding away a hundred miles an hour under all the strain of her weight trying to crush it. She raised once more and fell on her once more.
"That should hold you in place while I go get my bag." She told her.
Then Hellen rose to her feet and waddled her way off of the bench and Jessicas body. She took three steps and leaned over at the hips, picking up her bag, then shuffled three steps back to stand beside the bench. Jessica hadn't moved much at all as she had hoped. Instead of straddling her again Hellen decided just to sit down on her sideways as she lie there on the bench, helpless and aching in missery. She wanted to sit on her skinny little chest and stomache again certainly and three seconds later she was doing just that. Her blubbery ass spread over the small girl, rapidly forcing Jessicas breath from her, compressing her ribcage flat and squashing her guts out of place within her abdomen. Hellens hip on one side blanketed Jessicas head over her chin, mouth and to her little button nose. The other hip just covered her crotch and a bit of her thighs. Hellen reached into her bag and pulled out a handfull of candy bars, all of them of chocolate. She quickly tore into the first ones rapping and had it stuffed into her mouth in an instant, the whole thing.
...more to follow...
Author: spcbrown

Posted: 27 Sep 2003 05:18 She sat there totally oblivious to the skinny young cheerleader she was sitting on, as her weight progressively compressed the girl flatter with each passing second. The only thing on Hellens mind was consumming all of the chocolate in her bag, at least a couple dozen bars worth, maybe 30 of them. She tore the rapping away and stuffed them whole into her mouth, managing to consume one every minute. Had she something to drink she could have eaten them faster, but she didn't so she had to chew them more before she could swallow. Still she shoved another whole one into her mouth before the last one was all in her belly. She did not notice that Jessica was crying, weezing, gasping, and grunting beneith her, just barely breathing, with her ribcage compressed flat and likely to break at any moment. All her major internal organs were squeezed into less than half their normal space. Hellen sat on her in this position for 45 minutes, until she had eaten every one of the candy bars that had been in her bag. Then she got up and walked away. She got dressed, not paying any attention to Jessica who was still lying on the bench sobbing another 10 minutes later as she walked out the door.
...more to follow...
Author: spcbrown

Posted: 27 Sep 2003 11:39 The next day Hellen saw Jessica just barely getting along down the hall way, walking like a 100 year old woman. When Jessica saw her she hurried away as fast as she could, but Hella caught her by the arm and turned her around to face her.
"You never answered me Jessica...Am I too fat for you?...Do I need to sit on you again?" she asked her teasingly.
"Oh...ummm...no...you're fine...you're not too fat...really...I'm sorry...I have to go." She replied pulling away from Hellens grasp and quickly shuffling down the hall.
She said that very politely, without any aggression in her voice at all as had been in the past.
*Mission accomplished.* Hellen told herself.
Jessica had to quit the cheerleading team. Hellen was a little sad that she was the cause of that, having taken away something Jessica truely loved to do, but she could come back. She just needed some time for her body to heal itself. She didn't have any broken bones or anything. She just had some joints, and cartiledge out of wack, nothing permanent.
*If Jason says anything...I'll squash him too if I get the chance. I'd really love to jump his bones* Hellen thought, and then giggled*and break them like twiggs*
Jessica never told him how or why she was injured. She was smarter than that. She knew she could be squashed again if Hellen wanted to do it, so she kept her mouth shut, and she wasn't going to ridicule her ever again for being fat.
*The best thing for me to do is try to make Hellen my friend* Jessica thought to herself.
That is just what happened before the year was out. Hellen even recruited her into being a feeder/helper for her, and buy the next year after that Jessica was gaining weight herself.
They were both 20 years old and Hellen was just about at the 600 pound mark. *Amazing for such a young girl as me...most fat women don't achieve this till thry're in their 30s...Jessicas has progressed nicely too.* she thought to herself looking at Jessica sitting across from her eating a cheesecake and some icecream. She was about 250 pounds now.
"Hey fat bitch!...Where is mine?" Hellen asked her giggling.
"In the damb kitchen! Lardass bitch!" she yelled back.
"I'm going to have to start squashing you...you're getting lazy." Hellen remarked as she recalled the time when she crushed Jessica in the lockerroom 5 years ago.
She was 150 pounds heavier now, all from fat.
*She would be a soft seat now.* Hellen thought. *That would be fun to do now...again*.
She just got up and went into the kitchen to get her own cheesecake and icecream, leaving Jessica alone for a moment to enjoy hers. She thought to herself, *How serious is Hellen about the idea of squashing me and my ,now ,big and soft body. I'm substancial enough now to present a challeng, though she is a lot bigger now too. If I could get Her down thats all I would need to get back at her. I weigh enough that she would definately feel it.* She smiled a rye grin at the thought of squashing Hellen.
Then she came back from the kitchen with her cheesecake and icecream. She looked at Jessica smiling, but then saw her food.
"Damb woman your slow!..You've been eating on that for 10 minutes and you're still not done...I bet I can eat all of mine before you get finished." she bragged, with a scolding tone.
"Yeah...you probably can hog...I don't want to make myself sick...I'm not the big fat food vacume you are." She replied with irreverence.
"Fine little woman...I don't want to embarrass you or anything."
"You always have to make eating, or anything we do a competition." Jessica told her then sighed.
"Whatever." Hellen mummbled as she took her seat once more across from Jessica, "Time me." she told her. She began scooping large spoonfuls of icecream, and shoveling them into her mouth, then picking up a big slice of cheesecake and stuffing it in her mouth aswell. It's room temperature helped in melting the icecream so she wouldn't get a tooth or brain freeze from eating so much icecream so fast. Seeing this aroused Jessica to the challenge and she too began to stuff her mouth full of cheesecake and icecream. They each chewed 2, 3 or 4 times and swallowed it down and had another mouthful before the last one hit the stomache. Jessica had about 25% less than Hellen was starting with. She wasn't as adept at eating like Hellen, but she could eat a lot, certainly several times more than she could have when she was skinny. In just under 10 minutes all the cheesecake and all the icecream was gone. They finished at about the same moment.
"I guess I can eat faster than I thought." Jessica said, but she felt her belly stuffed tight.
"Sure you can...you're a fat girl...and proud of it...right?"
"Damb right...I don't know why I wanted to be skinny for so long."
"I want to go for seconds...how about you?" Hellen asked.
"Well maybe in a little while..."
"You're never going to acheve that big gain and get really fat if you don't push yourself." Hellen told her.
"I know...I will...just not right now." she said, feeling her stomache now upset, but she didn't think she would have to puke.
"Fine...more for me." Hellen giggled.
...more to follow...

Author: spcbrown

Posted: 01 Oct 2003 07:29 Another five years past and Hellen was begining to platue. She had gained only 100 pounds, while Jessica was now up to 450 pounds. She had gained 200 pounds in five years, and was now more excited than ever about continuing to get even fatter. *I'm heavy enough now...I could realy put a good squashing on Hellen if I really wanted to.* she thought to herself. She had lost that reflex that upset her stomache when it was stuffed with food. She could now eat as much as Hellen bite for bite, and loved when she out ate her from time to time. That made Hellen mad every time. One time in particular they each had two extra large supreme pizzas each to eat, and Jessica ate both of her's in just 28 minutes, while Hellen didn't finish her's for another 12 minutes. Jessica went to the refridgerator and got the last cheese cake and ate it too before Hellen was done with her pizza. While she ate the cheesecake she started to antagonize Hellen, knowing how she was already pissing her off.
"Come on you slow fat bitch...finish the damb pizza already." she said with a mouthful of cheesecake.
"Shut the hell up hog!" Hellen blasted back.
"More cheesecake for me." she said giggling, causing her belly to jiggle as it drooped down between her legs.
"If you don't shut up...I'm going to squash the hell out of you I swear!" Hellen threatened.
"You're so dambed slow I don't see how." Jessica went on prodding her.
"You think cause you got some real weight now you're just really hot stuff."
"Damb straight!" Jessica replied with pride.
"Just shut up." Hellen ordered.
"Whatever." Jessica said with just a few bites of cheesecake left.
She made sure to finish it just as Hellen finished her last bite of pizza. Hellen didn't know however that Jessica had already eaten her cheesecake earlier and that the one she had just eaten wasn't her's to eat. It was Hellens. She had left it in the fridge unguarded.
...more to follow...
Author: spcbrown

Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.