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Police brutality

Started by fuel1563, November 29, 2004, 10:45:28 PM

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WARNING: This story contains depictions of squashing, torture, squashing, mutilation, squashing bad grammar, squashing and stuff that makes you want to read it and squashing.

A squashing story
By Commandant Katria

The new cell was larger with more furniture and a wider door. But it was still
lifeless grey concrete with damp in the walls and a smell of despair. The
police had been questioning him through an interpreter for the best part of a
week. The hotel he had been staying in was raided, something about a sex party,
involving children. Since then the local police had been giving him the third
degree. In a third world country butting up against the former Soviet Union,
legal rights tended to be what ever they let you have, which wasn't much.

The door swung open and two women dressed in uniform walked in. Their hair was
severely drawn back and tied in a bun. The uniforms where immaculate, the brass
buttons and epaulet badges glowing in the poor light of the room. These were
Stazie, the secret police, responsible for internal security. Seeing them in
the doorway he thought they were big, but as they walked across the grim cell
towards him he realised he was wrong. They were huge. Each well over six feet
in height and immensely fat, almost spherical in shape. One of them had his
file, which she dropped on the table with a slap.

?So meiner Smith? she said, speaking accented English ?you don't like to answer
He didn't like the way she used his name. It was the name in his passport, as
far as she should have been concerned, it was his real name.
?I have been here a week,? he said indignantly,?and I have answered every
question put to me!?
She leaned on the sturdy table that had thick iron legs, it creaked ominously
under her weight. The other woman moved round behind him.
?Stand up please Smith.? What had happened to the mister?
?Now just a minute...?

A surprisingly small hand landed on his shoulder and lifted him effortlessly out
of his seat. His wrists were grabbed from behind and his arms stretched out. He
felt himself being pulled back and up over the stomach of the woman behind him
until only the tips of his toes where touching the floor. The first officer
stepped forward, so that her stomach was pressing gently against his body. He
started to appreciate how truly massive these women were. They completely
engulfed his entire body.
?No, mister Smith? said the woman, looking down into his face ?we have asked you
questions nicely, now we ask them not so nicely.?

As she spoke, she started to lean forward. Smith was not, as he had expected,
buried between two layers of fat, the stomachs were hard, unyielding, flesh.
His body was squeezed between the two huge bellies. He could feel himself being
compressed out of shape. Pressure on his chest forced his rib cage to flatten
out. Slowly the breath was forced from his lungs. The woman stood with her
hands on her hips looking down into his face, pressing her stomach further into
his body. Gasping he started to choke as he was unable to draw a breath,
crushed between the stomachs of the two women. The officer smiled at him when
she saw that he could no longer breath.
?Well Mr. Smith, do you want this the easy way, or the not easy way??
Unable to breath he was unable to answer, and she knew it. She wasn't
questioning him, she was torturing him.
?Very well then,? she said ?the hard way it is.?
Stepping back she released the pressure on his body. He sagged in the grip of
the woman behind him, gasping for air. Limply he was dragged across the room to
a low bench. Still in her iron grip the woman straddled the bench and sat down,
forcing Smith down with her. As he sat across the bench he tried to turn to
look at the officer behind him. But he was held tight, from his restricted
vantage all he could see was uniform clad stomach stretching out to either

The first officer stood in front of him, the sight of the vast bulk of her
stomach hanging over him was terrifying. She unbuttoned her jacket, then her
blouse, removed them and hung them on a coat peg on the wall. Underneath she
was wearing a leather corset that held all her flesh firmly in place. The hands
holding his wrists maintained their grip whilst they reached down and pushed
his thighs together. With his legs along the bench the first woman sat across
his ankles, her stomach pressed firmly against him. The grip on his wrists was
released, it wasn't needed. Apart from his head, no part of his body was
visible. With rough serge against his back and smooth leather to his front, he
was completely encased between the bodies of two women. It was a warm and
sensual feeling. He would have enjoyed it, but he knew what was coming next.
The interrogation was about to become hard.

?Since you refuse to co-operate willingly, we are going to spend some time
persuading you.?
Smith didn't see her move, but the pressure on his body was slowly and
inexorably building.
?We are going to squash you Mr. Smith. We are going to squash you until you
Through his discomfort, Smith noticed the improvement in her English, she was
obviously repeating a well rehearsed speech. This wasn't some new idea that a
couple of fat chicks had had as a bit of fun to pass the time. This was how
they did things in this country. These women had expertise and experience of
crushing helpless victims with their bodies.
?First I am going to squash you, then Comrade Nadia, who is heavier than me,
will squash you. Soon you will tell us everything that we wish to know.?
The discomfort turned to pain as the two women pressed their stomachs together.
Smith was completely helpless between them. Unable to breath he felt himself
becoming light headed, soon he would black out, a merciful respite from the

The pressure suddenly eased as the one called Nadia stood up from behind him. He
fell back, laying on the bench. He gasped in air as best he could. The first
officer was still sat across his legs. She must have moved forward because her
stomach now covered his body right up to his chin. Nadia came into view pulling
a trolley that had some medical monitoring equipment and an oxygen bottle
attached to it. An elastic band was placed around his head to hold an air feed
line to his nose. There was a sharp pain as something large was stuck into his
neck. Nadia flicked a switch and the machine next to him started to hum
quietly. The woman sat across him leaned forward slightly, the air was suddenly
crushed out of his lungs with a rush. She held still, applying just enough
pressure to stop him breathing. As his vision started to go grey, Nadia started
to adjust controls on the machine. His vision cleared. Still unable to breath,
he found that he didn't need to. The machine was oxygenating his blood.

?We use this machine? Nadia explained ?to prevent unfortunate accidents. Comrade
Maxine here once suffocated a man to death. Actually she has suffocated many
people to death, but that was deliberate. When she has to suffocate them, she
holds their heads between her breasts until they are dead.?
Smith looked up at Maxine's cleavage, he could fit his head, shoulders and both
of his arms in there. Looking into her eyes, he believed she was quite capable
of killing.
?You we are not suffocating.? said Maxine. ?You, we are squashing.?
So saying Maxine leant forward. Smith's body collapsed under the weight. His
internal organs were pushed up into his chest cavity, he could feel his lungs
trying to force their way up through his throat into his mouth. The pain was
more than he could ever have possibly imagined. Then it got worse as Maxine
leaned in. Smith turned his head as the contents of his stomach were forced
violently from his body. He didn't vomit, his stomach was under so much
pressure his last meal had no where else to go. Nadine was on hand with a mop
to clean up the mess. As Maxine came further forward, his bowels and bladder
did the same. Maxine got off him and hauled him to his feet. His paper prison
uniform was torn off and his body sponged down. He was laid back on the bench
and Maxine resumed her position on top of him.
?Now you are empty,? she said ?we can start to squash.?

Everything that had gone before was as nothing compared to this new pain. He
could feel all his ribs bending under the weight of the stomach pressing down
on him. Maxine was now much further forward than she had been. She moved her
stomach a little from side to side, Smith felt like he was going through a
rolling mill. The pressure increased again. His ears rang with the pain. Maxine
was speaking to him but the ringing was so loud he couldn't hear her. Raising
her voice, she asked the question again.
?What is your real name??
Smith wanted to tell her, he wanted to shout it out at the top of his voice.
Whilst he didn't, at the moment, need his lungs to breath, he did to talk. He
couldn't even croak out a response. He tried to plead with her, beg her to let
him answer, but the weight, and the pain, remained.
?Tell me your real name, or I am going to break your ribs.?
Smith couldn't answer and he knew she knew he couldn't answer.
?Very well, have it your own way.?
The pressure increased. There was a deep, muffled, crack from his body, he felt
like he had been shot in the chest. Lights flashed and spots swam before his
eyes, retching he tried to vomit his empty stomach. His body went into spasm,
but under the weight of Maxine he didn't move a muscle. After what seemed like
an hour, but was probably no more than a minute, his vision cleared. Maxine
moved her stomach from side to side. Smith could feel and hear the broken bone
grinding in his chest.
?Now are you going to tell me, or do I have to break another one??
Smith felt the tears pouring down his cheeks. He rocked his head, the only
movement he could make, in frustration. Maxine was now close enough to place
her hands on his cheeks and hold his head still. She forced him to look at her.
For the first time he noticed the pleasure in her face. She was positively
flushed. She wasn't doing this to get the truth, she was having fun.
?Since you haven't told me, I'm going to break another one.?
With no choice in the matter, he had to look into her face, smiling with
pleasure, as again something cracked inside him. The flashes and lights
coalesced until consciousness slipped away from him.

Then the pressure lifted slightly, just enough to allow him to come round. Nadia
had removed her jacket and blouse and was talking to Maxine in her own
language. Smith didn't know what they were saying but Nadia looked at him and
started to rub her tummy. Maxine leaned back and stood up, it was obviously
Nadia's turn. Relieved of the pressure, Smith dragged a lung full of air into
his tortured body. He rolled off the bench and dropped to the floor. It was
only about a foot but landing on his broken rib was agony.
?Caplin.? he gasped. ?Mark Caplin. My name is Mark Caplin.?
The two officers picked him up and laid him back on the bench. Nadia stepped
over him and settled herself down on his legs.
?No, wait.? Caplin screamed. ?I'll tell you anything you want to know.?
?You say that now Mr. Caplin,? said Nadia ?but how do we know you are not going
to tell us some more lies. Anyway, it is my turn now.?
Caplin tried to scream as Nadia leaned forward. He was right, they were not
questioning him, they were enjoying themselves. Nadia was wider than Maxine but
wasn't noticeably heavier, which meant that Maxine hadn't been using all her
weight. Caplin felt the broken ends of his ribs grind against each other as
Nadia rolled herself forward. There was a tearing sound and Caplin felt his
internal organs rearrange themselves like a bad case of constipation working
its way out. He tasted blood in his mouth. Nadia smiled at him.
?I must have burst some of your insides.? she said. ?Now let us see if I can
break ribs.?
Carefully she started to apply pressure to Caplin's body. He could feel things
moving inside him that shouldn't have been moving, not least his now crushed
ribs. Nadia's hands felt cool as she held his face and looked into his eyes.
With an increase in pressure, his chest collapsed. Crack, pain, spots before
the eyes. Crack, more pain, flashes before the eyes. Crack, even more pain, his
vision was so grey he could barely see. Crack, yet more pain, he looked at
Nadia's face through a tunnel. Crack, his chest collapsed completely. This time
the screaming in his head made him black out.

As he came round, he was pulled into an upright position. He noticed blood now
covered the bench. He was passing it through his penis and anus. Nadia sat
behind him on the bench with Maxine in front, the same as when the
interrogation started. They pressed their tummies together with Caplin in
between. Because of his now extensive injuries, this pain was the worst so far.
Soon he admitted to being at the illegal party, that he was a sex tourist and
not at the trade fair, and he named everyone else he knew was involved.
Eventually he slumped back in a pool of his own blood and piss. Nadia stood up
and turned her back on him, for a moment he thought she was going to sit on him
when the cell door opened.

A third woman, younger than the first two, came in. Whilst she was as not as
tall as the first two, she was clearly heavier. Nadia and Maxine saluted
smartly, then started to talk in their own language, occasionally gesturing
towards Caplin. They reached some sort of conclusion and the new comer made to
take off her tunic, but she couldn't reach. She was so big she couldn't reach
around her own stomach to undo her belt and buttons. So Nadia did it for her
and helped her remove her tunic and blouse while Maxine sat behind Caplin.
?Commandant Katria is our new officer from the university.? Maxine said. ?This
is first chance for her to make final interrogation. So you will be first for
Caplin looked over to the commandant. She wasn't wearing anything underneath her
blouse and the sight of her massive, naked, breasts started to arouse him,
except he couldn't feel anything from the waist down.
?But I've told you everything.? Caplin whined.
?Yes. This is a final interrogation.? Maxine said as if that made it okay.
Katria sat across his ankles. Her stomach reached up to his chin. He couldn't
see her head over her colossal stomach, but he could hear her.
?Meiner Caplin, this is your final interrogation. By the powers invested in me
by our glorious state, you are sentenced to death.?
She leaned forward just enough so that he could see her face.
?I am now going to execute you by squashing you to death.?

Caplin noticed that her whole body flushed dark pink and her nipples stood out
like rifle bullets on her massive breasts. His broken ribs started to grind as
Katria leant forward, making his ears ring and his vision blurred. A word from
Maxine, obviously 'slow down', and some of the pressure was lifted from
Caplin's body. The pressure then slowly started to build again. His broken ribs
made a hideous noise as they scraped against each other. There was a tearing
sound from somewhere low down in his body and he could taste fresh blood at the
back of his throat. Caplin closed his eyes against the pain. Maxine's thumbs
opened them for him. The pressure and the pain subsided as Katria smiled at
?I'm now going to lean forward and squash you. When I do, it will kill you.?
Caplin looked into her eyes as she leant forward. It was beyond pain, it was so
painful it didn't even hurt anymore. It was...

Katria leaned back off his still body.
?No, keep the weight on him.? Maxine said. ?It takes five minutes to make sure
he is finished.?
Katria leant all the way forward. Organs popped and bones broke under the weight
of her stomach. If she had applied this much pressure at the start, he would
have died instantly. But too quick was not punishment enough, and not nearly
enough fun. When he was dead to everybody's satisfaction, Katria stood up. Her
orgasm's were still shaking her body.
?Does it always feel this good?? she asked
?No? Nadia replied. ?The more you do it, the better it gets.?
Katria put her blouse and tunic back on, Maxine fastened it for her.
?Have the other five that were arrested in the hotel been questioned yet.?
Katria asked.
?No commandant.?
?With Caplin's statement we can guarantee a conviction against each of them.
We'll execute them at our leisure. One question.?
The two of them stopped and looked at her.
?Would it be considered an abuse of privilege if I killed them all myself??
Maxine as the longest serving officer answered.
?It would be unusual, but since this is your first week in the job I think we
can forgive it.?
?Thank you. Show them the video of me killing Caplin tonight, then tomorrow
gather them in a common cell. I'll take it from there.?
The two officers saluted as Katria turned and marched off.
?Good? said Maxine ?it's about time we had one of our own at senior level.?
?Now what.? asked Nadia. ?It's two hours till clocking off??
?Let's go and reduce the overflow in the political prisoners wing.?
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.