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Colossal Kay Fantasy #1

Started by fuel1563, March 13, 2007, 08:50:11 PM

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Colossal Kay walked her gigantic 1,674lb body through the park. Kay was a classic, but huge, hourglass figure � she had huge boobs, her waist was enormous, but not as enormous as her monumentally large backside which flowed out from her waist (giving her the hourglass look) down to her massive, tree-trunk-thick, flabby legs. Each time she placed her size 14 feet onto the grass, the blades and earth got crushed and compacted under her titanic weight, leaving huge, foot-impressions in the grass.

It was a lovely afternoon, and Kay was enjoying the warmth of the sunshine. All of a sudden, she heard a voice shouting out, �Argh! Stop it! Help me! Somebody help! I�m bein..�
And then the shouting stopped abruptly. Kay headed her 6�9� figure over in the direction of the noise. As she emerged from behind a tree, she could see three men on the path in front of her. Two young men had their backs to her, and a third much older man was lying on the floor. One of the young men kicked the old man as the other one shouted �Give us your money pops!�.

Kay realized that the poor old man was being mugged, and she decided to help. She swiftly moved her gigantic bulk over to behind one of the attackers. They were both about 5�10� tall, and were about 170lbs. Kay towered above them and was twice the width of both of them put together!

She reached out a huge arm and picked up the guy standing on the left. Before he knew what was happening, Kay whisked him to the left side of the path where there was a four-person wooden bench. She lay his tiny body on its back on the seat of the bench, and turned her gargantuan bulk around, gently sitting her enormous ass on top of the tiny man. Her huge butt was so wide that it completely filled the width of the bench, and her belly overflowed the depth of it.

She pressed a couple of hundred pounds of weight down on the man, to make sure he couldn�t move, and the man let out a gasp of air as her body compressed his lungs. By this time, the other attacker had realized something was going on, and he turned around to see.

�I suggest, for the sake of your friend, that you leave that poor old man alone� boomed Kay.
�Eh? What?� mumbled the puzzled man, unable to see his friend, just a mountain of flab completely filling the park bench.
�I am currently sitting a fraction of my full weight on your friend here�, she pointed to the bench, �and if you don�t stop what you�re doing right now, then he�ll get the rest of my weight. Do you know how much I weigh?�
The man shook his head with a look of amazement on his face
�I weight just over three quarters of a ton� Kay paused, to let this incredible information sink in, �and if I sit my full weight on your friend, his body will be crushed to a pulp under my ass�
At this point, the guy underneath Kay managed to get some air back and cry out for help, �Bob, help me! I�m being squashed underneath her! Help!�
Bob had no idea what to do, but decided to try and help his friend.
�Get off him� he cried, and ran towards where Kay was sitting. Colossal Kay saw him coming towards her, his arms flailing, and she smiled to herself.
He ran at full speed and collided with her ginormous body, hoping to push her off his friend. As he hit her flab, Kay wrapped a huge arm around him, and squeezed him against her body, with his head just below her head, his face resting on top of her mighty cleavage.
�Oh dear� laughed Kay, �it looks like I�m going to have to crush you both now!�
Bob looked horrified, and struggled to escape, but realized that he was trapped in her mountains of flab, �Oh God! No! Please don�t squash us!�
�Your friend here is about to find out why they call me COLOSSAL Kay� she boomed, laughing at their terror. The man under her massiveness must also have heard what was about to happen, and began to make muffled pleas for mercy.
�Right then Bob� said Kay looking down at the terrified man, �I�m now going to turn your friends body into a pulp with my FULL sixteen hundred pound ass. Are you ready?�

A petrified and desperate muffled scream came from under Kay�s huge butt which she ignored and began to lower her monstrous weight. As her titanic weight pressed the little man�s body further into the bench, his screams and pleas became louder and more desperate. She added more and more weight to the doomed man and the bench began to make creaking noises as it, too, was struggling to hold up under her immense bulk.

At about half a ton, things started to snap. Was it his bones? The bench? Who knew? Colossal Kay didn�t care � she was loving it. Finally, the bench could hold this Goddess no longer, and the wooden slats that made up the seat broke and splintered all at once. The beam that supported the slats could also no longer cope, and that also broke in two. The entire structure of the bench had now been destroyed, and Colossal Kay�s continuing pressure just made the whole thing collapse. The bench crumbled to the floor with the full-weight of Kay closely following it. Her gigantic ass landed unrestrained on top of the little man, who�s body didn�t stand a chance. His bones broke and his body crumpled underneath her massiveness.

Kay sat on top of the debris with a satisfied smile on her face.
�See what my full weight can do?� she asked.
Bob was petrified. He had no idea what to do! The old man on the ground looked on in awe at his gigantic saviour!

Colossal Kay rose to her feet, still holding Bob.
�Now it�s your turn� she boomed at him
�Oh no! P�p�please! I�m sorry! Don�t sit on me! Have mercy! Please!� he begged
Kay smiled down at him, �I won�t sit on you� she said and paused. Bob looked slightly relieved, but then she continued, �I�m going to SPLASH you instead!�
Bob knew what she meant � she was going to dive her full three quarters of a ton into the air, and belly-flop onto him. There was no way anyone could survive her doing that. He began to beg for his life, but Kay wrapped her other arm around him as well and squeezed him in a massive bear-hug. He disappeared into her enormous rolls of fat and flab and had all of the air squeezed out of his body. He couldn�t breathe, and was on the verge of passing out when he realized that he�d been released. He was now lying, face-up on the ground, feeling dazed.

He opened his eyes and saw the immense, petrifying figure of Colossal Kay staring down at him.
�Ready for my Colossal Splash?� she asked
�Oh God Noooooooooooooooooo� he began, but it was too late.
Kay bent her huge knees and leapt into the air, positioning her gigantic belly so that it was right over his tiny body. Bob looked up, frozen in fear, at this mountain of woman that was about to pulverize his body.

Kay landed full-weight onto her belly. She deliberately hadn�t broken her fall � Bob took the full impact of the splash. There was a sickening, yet satisfying crunching and cracking sound and then everything was quiet. Kay got to her feet, leaving the mangled remains of Bob on the path.

She walked over to the old man, who�s face turned to a look of fear. He began to cower, expecting her to sit on him or splash him at any moment.
�Don�t worry old man, I won�t crush you. I don�t think these two will be bothering you any more though!� she gave a laugh and continued on her way, once again enjoying the sunshine.

The End.
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.

is this the same writer as 'the punishment'?

more of this!!! Pleeeaase....

Yes, it is the same writer - ME! :-)

I wrote these stories a long, long time ago and have done nothing for ages. I have recently started writing again, and now have a website - http://www.crushwriter.com.

I'd actually lost all of my old work, so it's nice to find it on here. I'm going to tidy them up a little and post them on my site.

Glad you like them! :-)

I used to chat with Kay a lot, and I know she loved these fantasy stories on her

Anyone hear from Kay lately?  I hope she's okay.